Monday, June 23, 2008

Why keep this blog up

I received an email that asked, "This story is so far in the past why do you keep this blog up." The reason is that this is the story. It is the main issue in the campaign. It is the main issue because if any white candidate went to an Arian Nations Church, Who chose as a mentor someone who was associated with the KKK, the press would crucify this candidate. Blacks would be marching in the streets. It would be the only thing that any liberal in America would talk about. So because he is black we are supposed to give him a break. I do not think so.

I am a white pastor who in the 80's fought racism in the South. I lost half of my church because I chose to invite people of color. I hate racism and will fight it whereever it raises its ugly head. I can not support any candidate who is not smart enough to recognize racism when it is right in front of their face.

Do I think Obama is a racist? No actually not. I think he is stupid. Only a stupid person would keep Wright as his personal mentor. Only a stupid person would go to a church that cheers when the pastor spews his hate. If you do not believe that the church does this then watch the videos below. Only a stupid person would go to a church that was built on the "Black Value System". This is an extremely racist document. Pastor Wright claims that the black value system makes up the core teaching of the church. It was prominently on the church's website until it became an issue in this campaign.

Any one who is this stupid is not fit to be President of the United States.